class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # FundRmentals 05 ### Dr Danielle Evans | University of Sussex --- # Setup & Q&A 1. Open RStudio 1. Open/create your fundRmentals R Project (click the blue cube in the top right corner) + To create one, go to **File**, **New Project**, **New Directory**, **New Project**, give your project a name, then click **Create** + Then create **data** & **r_docs** folders (in the **Files pane** click **New Folder**) 1. [Download the worksheet here...]( & save it to your **r_docs** folder 1. Run the code chunks where we load tidyverse & read in the data <br> <br> <br> <br> .center[ ### Any questions from the last tutorial? ] --- # Overview - `tidyverse` - Wrangling data - The pipe **%>%** - Next steps --- # `tidyverse` & `dplyr` - The `tidyverse` is a collection of packages that all share a similar design philosophy, grammar, & data structure - When we load `tidyverse`, it loads several different packages automatically: + `readr`, `dplyr`, `forcats`, `ggplot2`, `tidyr`, `purrr`, `tibble`, & `stringr` - `dplyr` (like pliers..) is a useful package for wrangling/manipulating data & includes functions to: + `select()`, + `filter()`, + `mutate()` & + `rename()` variables --- # `dplyr::select()` - `dplyr::select()` is for selecting or removing specific columns in a dataset, follows this structure: ```r object_name <- dplyr::select(.data = object_name, column_name) # for selecting ``` ```r object_name <- dplyr::select(.data = object_name, -column_name) # for removing ``` #### Assignment <- - Last week we learned that we can save the output of commands by creating an object with the assignment operator **<-** - When manipulating our data sometimes it might be useful to create a new object (& keep the original) by using a different object name, and other times it might be more useful to overwrite the original object by using the same object name **Task**: remove the **Experience** column & create a new object by calling it **emp_data_2** --- # `dplyr::filter()` - `dplyr::filter()` is for **keeping** rows of data based on some conditions like these: .tiny[ To keep rows equal to some text: ```r object_name <- dplyr::filter(.data = object_name, column_name == "some text") ``` To keep rows not equal to some text: ```r object_name <- dplyr::filter(.data = object_name, column_name != "some text") ``` To keep rows where value is smaller than 50: ```r object_name <- dplyr::filter(.data = object_name, column_name < 50) ``` To keep rows that meet BOTH conditions; ```r object_name <- dplyr::filter(.data = object_name, column_name_1 < 2 & column_name_2 == FALSE) ``` ] **Task**: filter the emp_data_2 object by keeping participants above **Age 29** --- # `dplyr::mutate()` - `dplyr::mutate()` is for creating new columns/overwriting columns from existing ones by **mutating** them in some way Creates a new column by multiplying the old values by 500: ```r object_name <- dplyr::mutate(.data = object_name, new_column = old_column*500) ``` Creates a new column by squaring the old values: ```r object_name <- dplyr::mutate(.data = object_name, new_column = old_column^2) ``` Overwrites the old column by dividing the old values by 2: ```r object_name <- dplyr::mutate(.data = object_name, old_column = old_column/2) ``` <br> **Task**: using the emp_data_2 object create a new column called **Attractiveness** from the **Q15620** column, by multiplying the scores by 100 --- # `dplyr::rename()` - `dplyr::rename()` is for renaming columns To rename one variable: ```r object_name <- dplyr::rename(.data = object_name, new_column_name = old_column_name) ``` To rename multiple variables: ```r object_name <- dplyr::rename(.data = object_name, new_column_name = old_column_name, new_column_name_2 = old_column_name_2, new_column_name_3 = old_column_name_3) ``` <br> <br> <br> <br> **Task**: using the emp_data_2 object rename the **Q14097** column to be called: **Empathy** --- # The Pipe %>% - The pipe **%>%** is part of the `magrittr` package & loads with `library(tidyverse)` or `library(magrittr)` - We can use the pipe **%>%** to chain multiple commands together - It pipes the output from the left into the functions/commands on the right: ```r a_function(object_name) %>% another_function() ``` - It helps us avoid confusing nested functions which makes code easy to read & less prone to errors - To insert a pipe **%>%** we can use the keyboard shortcut of **Ctrl + Shift + M** or **Command + Shift + M** --- # The Pipe %>% **Nested example ()** ```r am_routine <- leave_house(get_dressed(get_ready(wake_up(person = me, time = "too_early"), existential_crisis = TRUE, breakfast = FALSE, coffee_cups = 50), clothing = "pyjamas", footwear = "fluffy_slippers"), university = FALSE, zoomiversity = TRUE) ``` <br> **Piped example %>% ** ```r am_routine <- me %>% wake_up(person = ., time = "too_early") %>% get_ready(person = ., existential_crisis = TRUE, breakfast = FALSE, coffee_cups = 50) %>% get_dressed(person = ., clothing = "pyjamas", footwear = "fluffy_slippers") %>% leave_house(person = ., university = FALSE, zoomiversity = TRUE) ``` - Whenever you see **.** or **.,** it's just a placeholder for the function argument that's being piped through **Task**: try putting all the previous steps (select, filter, mutate, rename) into one pipeline! --- # Next Steps - Save the RMarkdown document from today **Ctrl + S** or **Command + S** - For next week, work through the discovr_05 tutorial by pasting the below code into the **Console** in RStudio & pressing **Enter**. ```r learnr::run_tutorial("discovr_05", package = "discovr") ``` - This tutorial is pretty long, and generally visualising data isn't something we learn by heart (or need to), but you should aim to try go through the ggplot2 section as a minimum, then ideally complete the boxplots, plotting means, and scatterplots sections (you can ignore the faceting tasks if you want to) - There's also an empty code chunk for you to have a go at creating a plot from the emp_data in the worksheet from today if you want to! <!-- - For next week you should complete the **discovr_07** tutorial on associations & the **discovr_09** tutorial on comparing means by pasting the below code into the **Console** in RStudio, pressing **Enter** --> <!-- ```{r, eval = F, echo = T} --> <!-- learnr::run_tutorial("discovr_07", package = "discovr") --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- ```{r, eval = F, echo = T} --> <!-- learnr::run_tutorial("discovr_09", package = "discovr") --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- - It's up to you whether you want to try them both, or pick what's more relevant to projects you'll be doing! -->