class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # FundRmentals 01 ### Dr Danielle Evans | University of Sussex --- # Session Overview #### Part 1: Course Overview - What even is R & why are you making me learn it? - Introduction to the fundRmentals course - The R-cult: why R is ⭐*magical*⭐ #### Part 2: Getting StaRted - Tips for success - Next steps - Installing R & RStudio --- class: middle, center # Part 1: Course Overview --- # What even is R anyway? 🤔 .pull-left[ - R is a programming language where we can talk to our computer & tell it what to do... ```r print("Hi LearneRs!") ``` ``` ## [1] "Hi LearneRs!" ``` ] .pull-right[ - RStudio is a more user-friendly interface where we can use R <img src="../img/rstudio.png" width="2560" /> ] --- # Introduction to fundRmentals .pull-left[ #### Course Structure - Weekly tutorials to do in your own time - Weekly 'HappyHouR' practical sessions <br> #### Course Aims - Gain solid understanding of the 'fundRmentals' + Feel confident supervising project students using R + Feel inspired to use R/RStudio for your own projects ] .pull-right[ #### FundRmentals [Webpage:]( <!-- <iframe id="inlineFrameExample" title="Inline Frame Example" height="350" width="500" src=""> </iframe> --> ] --- # The R-cult: why R is ⭐*magical*⭐ - Makes complicated things easy to do - Super efficient - Collaboration - Reproducibility - Visualisations - Modelling - Reporting - Presenting - & *sooo* many other cool things!! --- # A *very* simple regression - 1 line of code, much quicker than clicking in SPSS: ```r lm(outcome ~ predictor, data = data) ``` -- <br> ### *"But Dan, what if I have 10 predictors?"* - Still just 1 line of code... ```r lm(outcome ~ predictor_1 + predictor_2 + predictor_3 + predictor_4 + predictor_5 + predictor_6 + predictor_7 + predictor_8 + predictor_9 + predictor_10, data = data) ``` --- # A *very* simple regression - 1 line of code, much quicker than clicking in SPSS: ```r lm(outcome ~ predictor, data = data) ``` <br> ### *"But Dan, what if I want to do a t-test?"* ```r t.test(outcome ~ grouping_variable, data = data) ``` ### *"Or a correlation?"* ```r cor.test(~ variable_1 + variable_2, data = data) ``` --- # A *very* simple regression - 1 line of code, much quicker than clicking in SPSS: ```r lm(outcome ~ predictor, data = data) ``` <br> ### *"But Dan, what if I have a factorial design?"* - Still just 1 line of code... ```r lm(outcome ~ predictor_1*predictor_2, data = data) ``` --- # A *very* simple regression - 1 line of code, much quicker than clicking in SPSS: ```r lm(outcome ~ predictor, data = data) ``` <br> ### *"But Dan, what if I have a stupidly complex model?"* --- # A Gross Latent Growth [Model](../img/parmodel.jpg) .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[ ## Model ] <img src="../img/parmodel.jpg" width="28%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ .teeeny[ [Evans & Field, 2020]( ] ] ] .panel[.panel-name[ # Code ] - Just 5 lines of code for this monstrosity: .teeny[ ```r model <- "i =~ 1*sat140 + 1*ks2_mat + 1*ks3_mat + 1*ks4_maths s =~ -4*sat140 + 0*ks2_mat + 3*ks3_mat + 5*ks4_maths i ~ sex + int_sdq_11 + iq_cent + wm_cent + ses_cent + cse_voc + cse_olevel + cse_alevel + cse_degree + par_mh_fa + mum_home_int + part_home_int + cai_cent + psai_cent + home_teach_1_al + home_teach_1_nu + schl_supp_sa + schl_supp_se + eas_harmony + eas_control s ~ sex + int_sdq_11 + iq_cent + wm_cent + ses_cent + cse_voc + cse_olevel + cse_alevel + cse_degree + par_mh_fa + mum_home_int + part_home_int + cai_cent + psai_cent + home_teach_1_al + home_teach_1_nu + schl_supp_sa + schl_supp_se + eas_harmony + eas_control" growth(model, data = data, estimator = "MLR") ``` ] ] ] --- # Data Viz: A Pretty, Plain, APA Scatterplot .pull-left[ .tiny[ ```r ggplot(data, aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g)) + geom_point() + labs(x = "Flipper Length (mm)", y = "Body Mass (g)") + theme_apa() ``` ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png" width="85%" /> ] --- # Data Viz: Grouped Scatterplot .pull-left[ .teeny[ ```r ggplot(data, aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g, colour = island)) + geom_point() + labs(x = "Flipper Length (mm)", y = "Body Mass (g)", colour = "Island") + theme_apa() ``` ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png" width="85%" /> ] --- # Data Viz: sCATterplot .pull-left[ .tiny[ ```r ggplot(data, aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g)) + geom_cat(cat = "lil_bub", size = 2) + labs(x = "Catnip Consumed", y = "Happiness") + theme_apa() ``` ]] .pull-right[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-19-1.png" width="85%" /> ] --- # RMarkdown .pull-left[ - Combine code (analyses, plots etc.) & text in one document - Great for writing notes about your analyses or for creating nicely formatted word docs/htmls/pdfs etc. - Super useful for writing journal articles, dissertations & theses - Additional packages (`papaja` & `rticles`) for apa style/journal formatting - **Most (if not _all_) students will use RMarkdown for their analyses** ] .pull-right[ <img src="../img/papajagif.gif" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Inline Code - Allows you to include code within the main text of your document - Can be used with test results, values from tables etc. - Any values will be automatically updated when you render the file - Incredibly useful & efficient - Helps you avoid tYpos & rounding erroRs <br> .center[ **The final sample consisted of `` `r nrow(data)` `` participants.** <img src="../img/down2.png" width="5%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> **The final sample consisted of 500 participants.** ] --- class: center, middle # You can create beautiful [slides]( like these... ![](../img/office.gif)<!-- --> --- class: center, middle # You can create super cool [websites...]( 😉 <!-- <iframe id="inlineFrameExample" title="Inline Frame Example" height="350" width="1000" src=""> </iframe> --> --- class: middle, center # Part 2: Getting StaRted --- # Tips for Success #### For Supervision... Number 1 rule: don't panic! We've all got this!! - Students have access to everything we've covered thus far on Canvas - They are equipped to be able to do their analyses - they just don't know it - They'll also have access to an R helpdesk next semester & two analyses workshops #### For Yourself... - Practice as often as you can - Be kind to yourself - it feels really slow & confusing when you first start - Ask questions, often someone else explaining it slightly differently makes everything click - There's a huge online community of R users, for any problems/errors you're having the solution can usually be found quite easily by searching - Google is your best friend --- # Next Steps #### Complete the [tutorial]( before our first .orange[HappyHouR] next week, which covers: - Installation & tour of RStudio - Working in RStudio - Installing & loading packages - RMarkdown - Getting data into RStudio - Tables in RMarkdown --- class: center, middle # Installing R & RStudio Walkthrough